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更新时间:2024-05-27 14:54:58
  • 双语例句

1. Hundreds of posts to internet sites likened Graf to Bligh, the villainous captain ousted by his crew in Mutiny on the Bounty.

2. Captain Bligh在线翻译

2. Captain Bligh: If that's an attempt to earn clemency, I spit on it.

3. Captain Bligh的解释

3. Captain Bligh: I'm not leaving you Mr Christian, not ever.

4. Captain Bligh: Now don't mistake me.

5. Captain Bligh

5. Captain Bligh: Why shouldn't we succeed?

6. Captain Bligh是什么意思

6. Captain Bligh: I wonder why an alleged gentleman should give his first loyalty to ordinary seamen.


7. Captain Bligh: While our mission remains unfulfilled I'm not in any port, Mr Fryer, I'm command where you may find one day it's always lonely.

Captain Bligh: If that's an attempt to earn clemency, I spit on it.(布莱斯船长:如果那是想积攒仁慈的企图,那我就唾弃它。)
Captain Bligh, sir! Are the ice cream cones ready?(山大王船长冰淇淋准备好了没有?)
Captain Bligh: I wonder why an alleged gentleman should give his first loyalty to ordinary seamen.(布莱斯船长:我很奇怪为何一位所谓的绅士,竟然会把他的第一份忠诚献给了平凡的船员。)
Captain Bligh: While our mission remains unfulfilled I'm not in any port, Mr Fryer, I'm command where you may find one day it's always lonely.(布莱斯船长:在我们的任务还没有完成的时候,无论如何我是不会停港的。弗莱尔先生,我就是命令部,也许将来有一天你会发现它这里总是那么孤独。)
Captain Bligh: Now don't mistake me.(布莱斯船长:现在不要误解了我。)
Captain Bligh是什么意思 Captain Bligh在线翻译 Captain Bligh什么意思 Captain Bligh的意思 Captain Bligh的翻译 Captain Bligh的解释 Captain Bligh的发音 Captain Bligh的同义词